Thursday, November 5, 2009

hillsong united: we're all in this together

last night, i went to go see their movie from the iheart revolution. as someone who loves music and loves to play worship music at church, i definitely appreciated the snips of live performances and new songs. but if you are just a hillsong united fan, you were sorely disappointed by the movie. because the move wasn't about them at all.

instead, it was about what worship ought to be outside of a sanctuary (or wherever you have worship services). if we proclaim to love song and want to really desire Him as we sing these songs but do nothing to take care of the marginalized, maybe we are missing the point. worship is not just music; it's so much bigger than just singing songs and clapping to a beat. worship is how we show the world that know who God is and that He is our God. Jesus prays toward the end of his life here that the world may know Him through the way we love one another. love is the root of christianity but it is also the key ingredient to sustain life. no one can live without love, just as one cannot live without food or water.

as the movie depicted the need for social justice worldwide. i felt that tug in my heart say, "here am i, send me". you see, i was a political science and women's studies major in college (GO BLUE!) because i saw the injustice in this world/nation but i didn't want to be limited by my anger of it. instead, i wanted to find ways to do something about the inequities real people face all the time. it's something that speaks very personally to me, something that gets my blood boiling, and out of this petite body of mine, comes a loud and commanding voice. and then it hit me: i was made for this.

i've had a few of those "i was made for this" moments recently. and this was just another light bulb going off in my head. God made my heart feel empathy for the helpless and needy, anger against injustice, and a need to reconcile the two.

i went with our worship team and some youth group members. i really pray that God spoke to some hearts last night the same way He spoke to mine.

Praise God for all He does